Friday, July 29, 2011

When I first started re-writing this blog on June 2nd, I told you that I had been on 14 first dates. I started dating again in November so that would have been 7 months. 2 a month. I think Evan suggests 2 a week but that must be for a single person because there is no way in hell I could manage two a week. My evidence is this post.

But let me review this list of men:
1. Mr Southerland - I word vomited on him.
2. Crazy Sexy Jim - Booty call man.
3. Mr. No - Don't drink, don't smoke, don't follow through.
4. Gate 32 - Disappearing over texter.
5. Cartoon Head - Just an over texter.
6. Mr. Cheese - Lies about his age.
7. Just Jim - Too much of an age gap.
8. No. 9. - Oh! Your divorce is not final. My bad.
9. No Nickname #10 - A Top Golf date. I almost won until he pulled out the Big Bertha.
10. iPhone - Called every two hours on a Sunday.
11. I'm Not 5'9" - He wore my lipstick and was not 5' 9".
12. Ferris Bueller- there's a story.
13. Colorado Steve - was in Texas when he was supposed to be in Colorado ruining my 2nd date.
14. Cowboy Kerry - a blurb of a story.
15. Dulce de TubaDad  - We're on day 45 and I'm loving our time together.
16. TheVoice - Almost derailed my whole love train but I got smart. And, Dulce de TubaDad asked me out again. Thank you, God.

I realized that I had misnumbered a few but this is the correct order except I never had a date with #10- iPhone. So I'm not sure what to do with him.

Hmm... Think, Hope. Think.

Executive decision. It's my blog. It's my life. We're discussing actual dates so, I'm taking him out of the list. The list should read like this:

1. Mr Southerland
2. Crazy Sexy Jim
3. Mr. No
4. Gate 32
5. Cartoon Head
6. Mr. Cheese
7. Just Jim
8. No. 9. (who is actually #8)
9. No Nickname #10 (who is actually #9)
10. I'm Not 5'9" (formally numbered 11 before I kicked out iPhone)
11. Ferris Bueller
12. Colorado Steve
13. Cowboy Kerry
14. Dulce de TubaDad
15. TheVoice

So, what is all this list making do for you? Absolutely frenching nothing.

But for me, it clears my head out and now I see that I have 3 men to tell you about: Ferris Bueller, Colorado Steve, & Cowboy Kerry because I've already told you about TheVoice and I'm currently updating you on the sweetness known as Dulce de TubaDad.

Somebody start the band so we can get this parade moving!

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