Sunday, July 31, 2011

Be very careful what you pray for- you might just get it.

Dear God,

You have a funny sense of humor.

I went to church today with Dulce de TubaDad. It's the first time I've been to church since the one time in January of this year and who knows when before that. Well, I guess you know.

And I liked it.

I liked the message. I liked the way it was delivered. I liked who I was sitting next to at church. I especially liked the person I was sitting next to at church.

So, this is how you get me back to church? You deliver me a really great man?

It's a great deal! Thank you. I am grateful.

A very happy and content, Hope

PS maybe a little less arm raising during the songs? Or maybe not. I can just keep mine down, right?

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