Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Dude, I hope you are wearing a parachute because this is an emergency.

Just for fun and to break up the sappiness so you don't get a cavity from the sweetness of my relationship, let's finish up the list of men that I met prior to meeting Dulce de Tuba dad.

Do you remember Gate 32? He just disappeared, remember?

And then, he just reappeared.

He said he got sick. And then he went on vacation. And then he went home for the holidays. And now here he is again. Texting me.

Okay, okay. You can't say I didn't give these guys a chance. I know a lot of you would have been like hit the road, Jack. You had your chance and you blew it! But no, not me. I agreed to meet him for drinks. We had drinks. He texted the next day. He called. He arranged another date. He picked me up. We went on a date. He took me home. We kissed good night. Everything was fine.

And then it started. The over texting. Texting all the time. He texted me at 7am on a work day. I texted back. He texted right back. I texted one more time but I had to get ready for work so I didn't text back.

And then something really crazy happened. He texted me 15 times. He called me 3 times. And, he sent me an email.

All of them asking me if I was okay. All between 7:30am and 11:30am.

Dude- no. I am not okay. You just tried to contact me 19 times in the last 4 hours. That's 4.75 times an hour. More than once every 15 minutes.

I have news for you buddy, you're not my emergency contact number. And guess what! You're not going to be my emergency contact number because now I'm completely freaked out!

So, I put on my own oxygen mask, thought about assisting him with his oxygen mask but didn't think too long about it before my leg did that automatice knee jerk thing and I kicked him straight out the emeregency exit.

Deep breaths. Happy thoughts. Whew! I'm glad that's over.

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