Tuesday, July 5, 2011

JustJim, iPhone & No.9

I rang in the New Year with JustJim. He was a set up from my aunts friend. She had talked about setting us up for a while but we were never single at the same time. JustJim was 52 or 54. I can't remember. He took my boys and I to Main Event on New Year's Eve. The boys loved it! It was a very nice and I enjoyed his company but when it came down to pursuing anything we were too different and the age gap was too much.

Try, try again.

iPhone - well, guess! Come on. Read his nickname.

The guy liked to talk on the phone. A lot!

And, while I think I can be an interesting person with all the different blogs and jobs that I have, I really don't have that much to say if you call me every two hours. Seriously. I'm just not THAT interesting. And, I'm not that interested in every minute detail of your last two hours either. Really. I'm just not.

We never actually met so I guess my number just went down one. But, we talked so much on the phone that I never wanted to meet him but I felt like I knew him.

Moving on.

I must have had some kind of brain fart when I agreed to meet No.9. You see, I don't want to date men who aren't actually divorced yet and No.9 was honest about it but I just missed it. No.9 was nice but I did ask myself how I ended up on dates with men that don't follow sports. No.9 and I went bowling on our first date- bowling on Super Bowl Sunday. Bowling... Super Bowl. Kind of funny now that I think about it. He knew absolutely NOTHING about football. Huh?

We both had an interest in art and photography. He is actually a really great photographer. But, I knew there was no connection when we were sitting in the IMAX movie theater watching Wired to Win and he put his hand on my knee and the tension that ran through me was excruciating. Talk about being wired. But not to win. It wasn't an inappropriate touch but it wasn't a welcome touch either. He asked me out again but I declined.

Persevere, my friends. Persevere.

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