I love when I hear the words, "I want to tell you something" pass over the lips of Dulce de Tuba Dad. Why you ask? Because something sweet has always followed those words.
For example, on June 14th, Day 1, when we were eating cheesecake at The Cheesecake Factory and he followed them with "I just want to tell you that I've had a very nice evening and I'd like to see you again."
And on July 2nd, Day 19, when we were driving home from his friends backyard Fourth of July party on the 2nd and he followed them with "I've had really great three weeks. I like you and I'd like to grow a relationship with you." I also made him list the things he liked about me.
Then there was July 21st, Day 37, when we were talking on the phone (Day 4 of not seeing each other) and he followed them with "Today has been 37 days of us seeing each other and I just wanted to tell you I haven't felt like this in over 20 years." I had to question his counting abilities because it sure feels like longer than 37 days to which we now have a "count up" (instead of a countdown). We decided that it felt longer because we feel comfortable to be ourselves when we're together. The goofy, dorks we actually are. (I was going to type retard instead of dorks but it's only funny if you say it the way Alan from The Hangover says it and where we got it from. Reh-tard not Ree-tard. Comprende? But hey, dorks works just as well.)
Today is July 25th, Day 41, (and it's also a very long Day 8 of only texts and phone calls since we've seen each other) when Evan enters my virtual world. Hello Evan. What's going on in the world of dating advice?
The title of his post from a reader's question reads: Is My Relationship Too Good To Be True? Whoa! Evan! Come on! I've got a nice little bubble going on here. Don't you dare burst it. He goes on to explain how relationship experts say that the passionate phase of relationships last from 18 - 24 months. You get 18 - 24 months of giddy excitement, butterflies, passionate chemistry and that honeymoon feeling before the hard knocks of life take over and you have to turn to choosing to give unconditional love even when the person drives you crazy and you're in the middle of your not so happily ever after. (Okay, I added that last part myself.)
I just want to clarify that this was not my question sent into Evan. Dulce de Tuba Dad and I both point out to each other on a regular basis that we are not perfect. We've shared our imperfections. And so far, we accept them as they are. Part of us. Moments that we hope we have learned from and have become better people for experiencing those moments.
The good news is- I still have 17 - 23 months of giddy excitement, butterflies, passionate chemistry and that honeymoon feeling. And the other good news, as Evan points out, is:
If you have a boyfriend who seems too good to be true, that’s wonderful news. It definitely beats the alternative (men suck, there’s no one out there!)
Take your time, enjoy your guy, and you’ll know a lot better in two years if he is, in fact, “too good to be true”.
Which also means that you, my loyal readers, get to endure 17 - 23 months of sappy, sweet stories like this one:
On day 36 Dulce de Tuba Dad and I were texting each other about a solution of when we were going to be able to see each other. We both have kids and want to be careful about the introduction period. His son, the almost 13 year old Tuba Player asks him, "Dad, what are you doing?" to which he answers, "I'm talking to my friend." And then Tuba Player says, "Dad, she's not your friend. She's your girlfriend."
So there you have it. Dulce de Tuba Dad and I are both 42 years old and we are officially boyfriend and girlfriend proclaimed by a 13 year old Tuba Playing son.
Why does that make me laugh? Because it's just like we're back in the ninth grade. Which is kind of how I feel. Like a giddy ninth grade girl that just talked to her boyfriend who just knows he's her Prince Charming.
Who knows if we're going to make it to Day 730 and beyond, but I want to tell you something. I'm looking forward to trying.
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