Tuesday, July 19, 2011

What are the chances that my online dating days are over?

50/50? 60/40? 80/20? It's only been a month so 80/20 is probably too high. But, having any chance that my online dating days being over is a really nice thought. No more awkward first dates. No more starting from scratch telling my boring life story. No word vomiting on men. No more awkward first kisses. Which also means no more first kisses. Hmm.. well...you know what? I'm okay with that too as long as there are many kisses to follow that first one. And so far, with Dulce de TubaDad, there have been. So that's a nice thought too. Not to mention all the other good stuff that comes with being in a relationship. Hey, here's a stat from last year: one in eight married couples met online. I bet at the end of this year it's going to be one in seven. Maybe. It could happen.

I'm in that whole dreamy state where it's borderline obsessive and crazy when this new person is all you can think about and your friends are tired of hearing about Mr. Wonderful. It's all about when are going to talk to them again and when are you going to see them again or the least when will I get a text or email from them. And I love how he did this or how he said that and we have this in common and we both drink caramel machiattos.

I've become very cautious when I'm in this lovesick phase because I don't want to overwhelm my Mr. Prospective Happily Ever After. It's that phase when everything else suffers- your job, your house, your kids, your friends- because all you can think about is this new person that makes you feel really good about being you and it's like a drug and you just gotta have some more though I have no idea what that feels like because I've never even smoked marijuana but I'm just guessing that that's what it's like because you just want to be with them. You gotta be with them! And my kids haven't really suffered. Well, not yet because they've been on vacation with their grandparents.

So I just tell myself - Put the phone down, girl. He's got your number. Remember what Evan said, "Stand still." That freaking standing still business is hard! Don't run away from them and don't run to them. Just stand still. With open arms. And a smile. And don't jump up and down. Or have that high pitched girl squeal thing. Just stand still. And smile.

So, I wait patiently for Mr. I'm The Man I'll Do The Pursuing to text or call. Sometimes not so patiently. Sometimes I re-read old texts and re-live the excitement I felt when I got them the first time. Sometimes I throw up a round of Hail Mary's and an Our Father but really Dulce de TubaDad is the perfect communicator. He doesn't over-text or over-call. And believe me- I have known those guys. Bleh! There is a fine line between adoring a girl and smothering the hell out of her. Now that I really like him he could call more and I have initiated 2 conversations via text (I was told the first one nearly knocked him out of his chair) but mostly I just wait until he can't stand it anymore and texts or calls me. And then I'm a giddy ninth grade girl all over again.

So yes- and yay! - I'm still seeing Dulce de TubaDad. I've met some of his friends and he's met some of mine and we both passed the friend test. This past week I had to tell him something difficult. I had to have a conversation that I did not want to have. Or as he says, I had to swallow a frog. So before I saw him Saturday night, I turned to the heavens and I prayed. Maybe it wasn't the best prayer because it went something like this:
Dear God, I'm really tired of you testing me and I think I did pretty good recognizing it right away with The Voice. I know it took longer with Colorado Retard but I've come along way, baby. Oh, sorry- no disrespect, sir. Back to my point, God. You see, I really like TubaDad and when I tell him this thing tonight maybe we could make a deal? If you feel so inclined, I mean. Well, this is how I plan on taking it, okay? If he takes it well then he's a keeper. If he doesn't take it well then I should throw him back and maybe I'll just be single forever but I don't really want to be single forever because you know, you gave me a big heart with a lot of love so it really would be sad if he didnt' take it well. So, if it's your plan that we're supposed to be together he better take it well. I mean, I would like for him to take it well. But, I'll leave it to you.
Ay-I'd really appreciate some courage while you're at it-men.
Can't you just picture God rolling his eyes at me?

I picture Morgan Freeman as God with a wide grin, his chin resting in his palm with his elbow on his knee nodding his head back and forth saying "What in the world have I created? Women!"

And then he gets up and calls Evan to see how his clients are doing.

I love Morgan Freeman.

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