Wednesday, July 6, 2011

That's What I Get

In my last post I told you about iPhone and how he liked to talk on the phone. He called me one day at work. It was about 11:00am and I thought it would be a quick hello and then I'd be off to my lunch workout.

iPhone talked and talked and talked. Telling me in complete detail a story about his job. He was a fireman.

Firemen are our friends! They're so brave and strong and tall and handsome!

Talk about ruining a great catch phrase! iPhone gave firemen a bad name.

I was finally able to tell him I had to hang up as I was walking into the workout room. I was already exhausted. My trainer was there training with one of our security guards. I immediately let out one of those really long and loud coping sighs because I had a lot to cope with and I vented to my coworkers about Mr. TalksAlot iPhone.

We all laugh. Ha ha. I go change clothes trying to let go of the irritation to have a good workout when the security guard says, "Hope, that's what you get for being on those online dating sites."

That's what I get? What the hell does that mean- that's what I get?

Really? That's what I get? For trying to find a man to share my life and my love?

My not so tactful response was "What the fuck are you talking about that's what I get? Where the hell do you think I'm going to meet single men my age if I'm not online? That's what I get? Are you serious?"

Security is always wanting to run credit checks on the men I go on dates with and I refuse to treat these guys as criminals. He was kind of taken aback with my response but he stood his ground about all men being crazy online.

Security: Well, look at what you've gotten so far. And what are you talking about single men your age?

Hope: Single men. You know- not married. My age. That would be 40 and over. Do you have someone you want to set me up with if you know so many single men my age that don't want to have any more children?

Security: No.

Hope: Then shut up with that's what I get shit before I punch you in the face and that's what you get.

Not my finest moment. Now I'm not just irritated with one over-caller, I'm furious with all men in the whole world.

Some days there isn't any hope.

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