When I restarted this little blog I told you had dated 14 men in 8 months. Let’s bump that up to 16 in 9 and let me tell you about 6, 11 & 10.
6- His real last name is Cheese. I’m an expert Google researcher (or crazy stalker depending on how you look at it) and I can find out a lot about these guys (and they me which is why I write this blog under an alias!) But I digress.
Mr. Cheese admitted to lying about his age. He wasn’t 39. He was 41. My same age. But, he was tired of 50 year old women hitting on him. My thoughts on this are so what they send you an email. You think I don’t get emails from men in their 50’s. 60’s? I get inappropriate emails all the time. I ignore them and don’t lie about anything in my profile. Not my age and not my height. Which leads me to 11.
I kindly refer to 11 as You’re Not 5’9”. I was glad that he recognized me because I would not have recognized him. We had a lovely dinner and enjoyed the band playing. He was funny. He needed some chapstick and all I had was some that had a shimmer in it. He said he didn’t care and he used it. So there he sat with pink, shiny lips. It was comical.
Then he made a statement that has had me thinking the last couple of months. The statement was: I’m trying to figure out why you’re single. We’ll revisit this later. I want to stay focused on him for the moment. When dressing for the evening I was sure to wear my short heels because his profile stated that he was 5’9”. Do you see where this is going?
As we walked together out to our cars, he looks over at me and says, “You’re tall.” And the thought through my head was “And, you’re not 5’9””
I am exactly 5’7”. I had my brother measure me at Thanksgiving when my nephew who is the same height as me said he was 5’ 9” and I panicked- Had I grown? And I would not let anything else happen until we found a measuring tape and measured me! In conclusion, You’re Not 5’ 9” just disappeared.
Let’s move on to 10.
There is nothing fun, silly or exciting to tell you about 10. Not even a silly nickname. He was a normal guy that seemed to be a hard worker. He was a teacher. We played Top Golf together. When I was close to winning, he pulled out the Big Bertha to drive out to the edge to get more points. I wasn’t impressed. He sent me a text a couple of days after our date that said while I was a fun girl to get to know, he wasn’t my guy. The End.
But, back to that statement: I’m trying to figure out why you’re single.
I laughed when he said it and exclaimed, “ME TOO!” And I’ve thought a lot about it since that date. I could be with someone if I really, really wanted to just be with someone. Not all of the guys that I have gone out with this past year fall under this category but I don’t want to just be with anyone. I want to be with someone special. Someone that I feel confident will give me the love I deserve and that I also will choose (choose!) to give my love to because I have learned that love is not something that just happens to us like magic in the night.
You love someone because you choose to love them.
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