TxBuckeye would have been 48 then. About 5' 9", glasses, bald, slender. Not bad looking.
I firmly believe that on most occasions, I'm not going to know someone with just one meeting. One date. Looking back on all of my serious relationships- they were friendships that grew into romance.
Kind of hard to do with online dating.
So, when TxBuckeye asked me out for dinner again- last minute I might add- I went.
He wanted me to meet him at his house because he was having a business meeting with an artist that he was acting as a Business Manager for.
I remember this date so specifically because I didn't want to wear my work clothes but I didn't have time to drive home either. So, I stopped at a TJ Maxx and purchased a new sweater and a new pair of jeans- which are one of my favorite pairs now.
And, then I went to his house. Don't lecture me! I went to his house.
His house was decorated to the T. The artist helped him decorate it. He had some pretty incredible art, too. Think Architectural Digest here! But the only thing I could think of was, "Oh my God, you are never coming to my un-styled, undecorated home. No way, Jose!"
That's not why I didn't want to continue seeing him though. The thing is he kept saying stuff like:
I asked my artist friend to decorate my house- but you know, for a straight guy.I got to the point where I thought to myself, "Who are you trying to convince? Me? Or you?"
Do you like this piece of artwork? Does it look like it belongs in a gay mans house?
I'm totally straight.
I won't bore you with the details of our date because it was a pretty boring date. At the end of the night he kissed me. And ew! It was like kissing... I don't know what it was like kissing... worse than kissing my brother! That's the only cliche I can come up with. I couldn't get out of there fast enough!!
So, why am I bringing up TxBuckeye 2 years later?
Periodically I change my user name on Match and it must unblock him (or maybe he changes his- not sure) and I get an email from him. Like today.
How are you doing?How many times must I reject/ignore this poor guy? Why? Why does he keep contacting me? If you know I have no interest and I have ignored and blocked you time and again, WHY?
No one has swept you off your feet yet???
Hows the golf game? I've been trying to play more. We should play sometime?( Friends, I know you have no interest ) lol.
Going to Mavs game tonight.
No, being persistent does not make you look gay. It makes you look.... you fill in the blank.
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