Tuesday, June 21, 2011

No Drinking, No Smoking, and No Follow Through

Would it bother you if your date could not drink alcohol? I didn't think it would bother me but when Mr. No Drink and I met for dinner I felt awkward.

I arrived at the restaurant first and ordered myself a beer. He showed up and we got a table and had dinner.

There wasn't anything out of the ordinary about him. He was cute. He had a hard childhood and lived with foster parents from the age of about 15 or so. He has never been married and has no children.

The funniest part of our date was when he told me about another lady he dated. It went something like this:

They had a nice evening and agreed to see each other again the next night but the next night our area was under extreme storm advisory so they agreed to reschedule. Mr. No Drink decided to stay home and was flipping through the channels. He landed on TVLand and a new reality show High School Reunion.

Lo and behold, there is the girl he had just been on a date with the night before. He described it as being surreal. Maybe he could have handled the fact that she had been on a reality tv show if she hadn't been the most hated of the group.

I laughed through his whole story. It was very entertaining. Needless to say he called her and said he was a little bit more private than that and declined to see her further.

We continued our date to try to find some live music. I don't know about your area but around here that usually includes a smoky bar. You know, where they serve alcohol. Okay, whatever. I have a designated driver. Yay me.

We ended at a bar where music was suppose to play soon but it was during the NFL playoffs and Mr. No Drink was also Mr. No Sports. He didn't follow them. What? Really?

While I'm not interested in dating someone that has their life ruled by every football game possible, I think I want him to at least follow one team. I like football.

The music never started and the couple that sat down next to us started smoking and this sent Mr. I Can't Smell Like Smoke into a tissy.

He tried to push through and we wandered up the street to a few places but we couldn't find any music and he could only smell himself smell like smoke. Date over. He couldn't take it anymore.

We communicated a bit through text and email the next day and he said he wanted to see me again and I told him my schedule but he never suggested anything so we didn't do anything. And any possibility floated off into space.

Am I weird to want the man to plan to see me in the beginning? Is that so bad?

Mr. No resurfaced 4 months later. Email. Text. Invitation to get together on Friday. He will call this week to confirm plans. And then. I never hear from him.

Until 4:00pm on Friday.

Hello? Really?

Sorry, Mr. No but when I didn't hear from you by Friday morning I made other plans.

And, my aunt and I had a lovely dinner together.

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