Monday, August 1, 2011

What the hell is Colorado Steve doing in Texas on June 22nd when he said he wasn't going to be here until July 1?

I started talking to Colorado Steve at the end of March or beginning of April. Can't remember and don't actually care.

He said that he wanted to let me know that he didn't actually live in Dallas yet but he was planning on moving here July 1. Okay. That's fine. As long as the goal is Dallas then we can get to know each other. No big deal.

We talked on the phone a lot. He said, "If I never see snow again I'll be a happy person." and I thought OK! This guy and I are going to get along. Because I hate snow. It is evil. My hell would not be a burning inferno. It would be wet, freezing cold, nasty snow! Bleh!

As conversations went on I was perplexed by the guy. He would say things that just turned me off. Sweeping negative generalizations. Running is gay. Anyone that watches the royal wedding is an idiot. And other off colored racist marks. Eh. But then he would have these really tender moments. I send my college kid care packages about once a month. He would compliment my pictures on one phone call and on the next he told me which pictures he didn't like and why.

Notice I had more negatives than positives up there. Jeez, Hope. Sometimes you need to trust your gut and not give the jerk a chance but I was on this kick where I was really trying to be open to the possibility of love. There's just way too much to type about this guy.

He came in town to meet me. He was on his best behavior and was charming and nice. The phone calls were becoming less frequent. He flew in town in May. His best behavior was just good behavior. The phone calls were becoming less frequent. He flew in town again at the end of May. His behavior was eh- borderline just freaking bad. And, he was just too stressed out with work, his move, his kid and life to talk to me on the phone.

Wait? I'm suppose to be an oasis? This is the honeymoon phase. I certainly didn't need the cult like phone calls that I loved having with Dulce de TubaDad but a 30 minute conversation a couple of nights a week would have been nice. And not a 30 minute conversation of just me listening to him. You know give and take. I ask you about your day. And then you ask me about my day?

I was finally able to come to terms with what the fuck are you doing wasting valuable time on this guy? He's a jerk and not someone you want to spend another day with much less the rest of your life with! So I finally ended it. And the voices in my head said, "It's about time, idiot!"

Best decision I ever made because my next date was #14- Dulce de TubaDad.

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