Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Fourteen bottles of beer on the wall, fourteen bottles of beer.

Love drunk. That's what I am.

I have been frantically trying to remember every detail of the last 65 days. As we talked on the phone last night, Dulce de TubaDad reminded me of when we first held hands and that's when he felt that I liked him. It was on that damn second date. I wound up telling him about that and he laughed.

But, I realized I was forgetting stuff and it's only been 65 days. I don't want to forget any of it. What if I'm Ally and he's Noah and I get Alzheimer's and he has to read me the Notebook of our story everyday so I can remember? What if? Huh? Huh?

You see why I say Love drunk and not Lovesick but I guess it could be sick. Sick in the head! Anyway.

I've realized the number 14 has meaning in our life.

We had our first date on June 14th.
TubaDad was the 14th date I had been on on this merry go round ride called dating.
Day 14- the day that I realized that I really liked him and especially glad he didn't turn out to be a psychotic ax murderer when we took an evening nature walk together in the dark woodsy area near his apartment.
Valentine's Day- the day of love is on the 14th!

Okay, that doesn't really have anything to do with us but still! Just saying.

This is just silly business but I plan on staying in the honeymoon phase forever so these are the details I need to document and remember.

But, he's number 8 on my speed dial. Infinity. That was not planned when I programmed it.

That was serendipity.

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