Day 48 - Also known as the first day that Dulce de TubaDad made Hope cry.
Let's back track on a couple of things.
I'm an advocate for NOT texting while driving. I want to know that my loved ones are safe and when someone texts and drives there is a greater chance for operator error. When someone text and drives they not only put themselves in danger but they put everyone else around them in danger. And, I don't want to be that last text that a loved one receives because they were trying to reply to my text message.
This video had a huge impact on my view of texting and driving. Seriously, find 10 minutes to watch this video.
I have expressed my feelings to Dulce de TubaDad that I don't want him to text and drive. Because I love him and I want him to be safe. I don't want him to be involved in an accident due to our texting each other. You get it.
This past weekend while spending quality time together we discussed the game of Slug Bug. He and his kids search for out of state license plates instead of the Volkswagon Beetle. When they see one, they call it and just like in slug bug the non-seer gets slugged.
I professed the game dumb! Because that's what mature adults do when something is hard and they're not able to win. This is dumb! Dulce de TubaDad has great eye sight and more experience with the game. He kept tapping my leg with Oklahoma, Colorado and Louisiana. Plainly, I sucked at the game.
Until I said, I don't want to be hit anymore. If you see an out of state plate, you get a kiss. And suddenly, I was very good at the game. Better stakes. Just saying.
So when I was driving home on Day 48, I laughed when I saw an Iowa license plate in my stop and go traffic commute. I whipped out my phone and snapped a picture of it, typed a brief message and hit send.
Several miles up the road at a red light I saw Mississippi! Phone, snap, and when I got to daycare I typed out the message that he now owed me two kisses.
It was suppose to be cute and fun but at that moment I became a hypocrite. And I was endangering myself and those around me. And he called me on it. And he called me a hypocrite. And I did not like being called a hypocrite. Though I clearly was.
And I became emotional because I felt like I had disappointed him. I tried holding back the tears but they came out anyway. Stupid tears.
And so we were stuck in this cycle of feeling bad. I felt bad because I felt like I disappointed him. He felt bad for making me cry. I felt bad because I broke my own rule. He felt bad for making me cry. (I know. I already said that.) I felt bad because he felt bad for making me feel bad. And it was a vicious cycle of feeling bad for ourselves and for each other.
But don't worry. Day 48 rolled into Day 49 on the evening phone call and it all worked out fine. Our love tanks are still full and overflowing. It won't be the last time that I disappoint him because I'm not perfect. And, it won't be the last time the man makes me cry because he's not perfect. And these imperfect moments will make all the rest of our moments special and more beautiful.
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