Monday, December 10, 2012

Married Hope

The only dates I will have in my future are date nights with my husband!

TubaDad and I were married in a private ceremony (and I do mean private! the two of us, the officiant and the photographer) at the Arboretum in Dallas.

It was a perfect day and a perfect weekend.

Thank you for following along this little blog and my dating adventures.

If you or a friend is out there looking for love, I'm here to tell you- You can have the love of your life!

Open your heart to the possibility.

Open your mind to know that no one is "perfect".

Live as if you are already with your soul mate and believe in your heart they are out there looking for you, too.

Your only job is to be ready to accept them into your life when you meet them.

There is so much you can learn about relationships and dating from some people that guided me. Arielle Ford,  Evan Marc Katz, Claire Zammit, Dr. John Gray, Dr. Gary Chapman and so many more.

Blessings, peace, and love to you all.

The end.