Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Oh, Meatballs! A Valentine's Day Report

It's our first Valentine's Day Report.

Are you ready for this romantic, mushy, gushy, do the gag move? Well, if that's what you're looking for then you're not going to find here on this report.
Last Thursday, I asked TubaDad if he wanted to come have dinner with me and the boys on Valentine's Day. I would cook dinner.

Okay- stop. You know I'm in love if I'm cooking for the man.

Okay- resume.

He, of course, said yes and told me and the boys to decide on what to cook.

I had just seen an episode of Guy's Big Bites and I wanted to make Hunter's Hoagies except not on Hoagies. On pasta.

I made the list of all the ingredients on Saturday.

I did the shopping for all the ingredients on Sunday.

We cooked hot dogs on Sunday evening and discussed Tuesday's menu.

Monday evening after working all day, picking up kids and feeding them cereal and macaroni and cheese (One had cereal. The other had mac and cheese. I know. Mother of the Year) I started preparing Tuesday nights meal.

First I started the sauce. I chopped onions. Okay- I put them in the little chopper.

I crushed garlic. I chopped basil and oregano. I cooked a beautiful sauce.

I obviously got the wrong cans of tomatoes. I purchased the puree while I think I was supposed to get whole tomatoes because the recipe says it yields 3 cups when I had 6 cups.

The reason I don't cook. I suck at it.

Second, I started the meatballs.

I chopped onions. By hand. Not the little chopper. I crushed garlic. I chopped red bell peppers. Okay- I put those in the little chopper, too.

I sauteed those three items.

I minced basil and oregano.

I soaked bread in milk.

I mixed all the ingredients together- the raw meat, the sauteed vegetables, the soaked bread, the raw egg and formed it all into the most beautiful meatballs you have ever seen.

I put the sauce and the raw meatballs in the refrigerator ready for Valentine's Day Dinner preparation.

I broke out the dessert. I washed strawberries. I dried strawberries. I hand dipped them in chocolate. I even melted some white chocolate to make them pretty.

I finished wrapping the beautiful strawberries on a plate and put them in the refrigerator.

Ah. Ready for the best, first Valentine's day ever.

TubaDad calls me not long after I had finished cleaning the kitchen and we were discussing all the great things I had accomplished in preparation for our very first Valentine's Day which, by the way, also falls on our 8 month (or 246 days) anniversary when all of a sudden he starts saying, "Oh no! Oh no! Oh no!" over and over again. I think he through in fiddle fart and I can't believe this. All of which are big tip offs that Valentine's day is ruined!

Bless his surprised heart.

You know how when you put two moments in time together and realize that you over committed yourself and you can't do both things? That's where he was.

He had training in Houston on Wednesday and Thursday which clearly were not on Valentine's Day but he had to drive down on Tuesday night to be there bright and early.

Did you just here the "Wha-wha-wha" game show loser sound?

I felt bad for him because he kept saying, Are you mad? I'm so dumb. How could I have done this? I'll make it up to you. I promise.

I was disappointed that we wouldn't be together and a little sad about that too but I wasn't mad because in the grand scheme of things- it's our first Valentine's Day and I know that I am loved because I feel his love in my heart everyday. This is just the first Valentine's Day that we will be together (or share at a distance). There will be so many more. And, I think the whole situation punctuates the fact that I am the BEST girlfriend in the whole world!

And, most importantly, it's hilarious and makes a really good blog post.
Hope your Valentine's Day was as wonderful as mine.

I cooked the dinner anyway and shared it with my boys as planned. I also got some gorgeous roses with the kindest note ever and all is well in TubaLand.

Love, Hope

1 comment:

Hope said...

Most frustrating post ever as far as formatting goes. I give up!

First there was a whitebackground behind all my text.

Then the spacing is all goobered up!


oh well.